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Nathanya G. Simon
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Nathanya G. Simon


Bio Overview

Nathanya is routinely offered the opportunity to counsel New Jersey school board clients throughout the state on day-to-day matters through to complex special education litigation, when necessary. Nathanya represents clients at identification meetings, evaluation determinations, Individualized Education Plan (“IEP”) meetings, in mediation.


  • Seton Hall University (JD, cum laude, 1975)
  • University of Rhode Island (B.A 1972)


  • New Jersey
  • U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey
  • U.S. Supreme Court
  • Third Circuit, U.S. Courts of Appeals


  • New Jersey State Bar Association, Labor Law Section
  • New Jersey Association of School Board Attorneys, Past Vice President and Trustee
  • National School Boards Association, Council of School Attorneys
  • New Jersey Association of School Business Officials Associate Business Member, Past President
  • Nathanya Guritzky Simon plays a major role in the firm’s school board representation in all legal, labor and special education matters. She is best known for her handling of special education matters.

    Nathanya is routinely offered the opportunity to counsel New Jersey school board clients throughout the state on day-to-day matters through to complex special education litigation, when necessary. Nathanya represents clients at identification meetings, evaluation determinations, Individualized Education Plan (“IEP”) meetings, in mediation, in Complaint Investigations, at due process administrative hearings held at the Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”), and in litigation appealed into the Federal Court and State courts.

    Ultimately, Nathanya believes there is no substitute for experience. Special Education is a very specialized and complex area of the law. It is only with years of experience that an attorney can know the nuances of the procedural and substantive aspects of the special education laws and cases, possess the skills necessary to effectively communicate with parents, advocates, and attorneys representing families, and maintain the skills to successfully advocate on the client’s behalf and represent their interests.

  • "Everything You Need to Know About the Transition to College”- Lehigh University’s 43rd Special Education Law Conference

    "Troubled Children in the Family Part” – Judicial College

    "Expert Witnesses in Special Education – What the Judges Want to Hear” – New Jersey School Boards Association School Law Forum

    "Case Law Concerning Expert Witnesses” – Hot Topics in Special Education Law

    "Les Enfants Terribles – Troubled Children in Family Law,” New Jersey State Bar Association

    Mid-Year Meeting

    "Bullying and Special Education” – 2014 School Law Conference

    “FERPA and the Release of Discipline Information to Parents of Victims of Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation,” Hot Topics in Special Education Law, Sponsored by NJICLE with NJSBA School Law Committee

    “Issues Involving Home Based Services, Insurance and Extended Day/Year,” Hot Topics in Special Education Law – Sponsored by NJICLE with NJSBA School Law Committee

    “Food Allergies and the ADA in Schools” Sponsored by NBI, Inc.

    “Procedural v. Substantive FAPE: It Doesn’t Take a Fortune Teller – or Does It?” Special Education Law Conference – sponsored at Lehigh University

    “DYFS and The Schools” School Law Conference – sponsored by The New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education

    “Divorce and The Special Needs Child” – New Jersey State Bar Association Annual Convention

    • The Best Lawyers in America©, Education Law, 2024
    • ROI-NJ, ROI-NJ Influencers: Women in Business list, 2022-2024
    • Super Lawyers magazine, New Jersey Super Lawyers®, Schools & Education Category, 2005-2006, 2009-2024

    Award Methodology

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