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Landlord Tenant Law

Landlord Tenant Law

Scarinci & Hollenbeck, LLC offers a dedicated team of attorneys well-versed in Landlord-Tenant Law.  The Landlord-Tenant Practice Group serves landlords and property managers throughout New Jersey and the New York metropolitan area, providing expert legal guidance tailored to the unique challenges of managing large industrial, commercial and multi-unit residential properties. Our attorneys have extensive experience navigating the complex legal landscape that governs landlord and tenant relationships, ensuring our clients remain compliant while effectively protecting their interests in a cost-effective manner.

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  • Lease Agreements: The first step in successfully managing the landlord-tenant relationship is a good lease.  At Scarinci Hollenbeck, we have a library of thorough and enforceable lease agreements that prevent misunderstandings and disputes before they happen.
  • Dispute Resolution and Litigation: Our skilled attorneys are prepared to represent landlords in various disputes, ranging from minor lease violations to complex litigation. We prioritize amicable resolutions but are ready to advocate vigorously for our clients when necessary.
  • Eviction Services: The eviction process can be intricate, time-consuming and fraught with nuances. We guide landlords through every step of the eviction process, ensuring compliance with New Jersey and New York City laws, including the proper filing of legal notices and representation in eviction hearings.
  • Regulatory Compliance Guidance: With frequent changes in housing laws and regulations, we help our clients stay informed about their legal obligations and rights, including rent control regulations and housing code compliance, minimizing potential legal pitfalls.
  • Tenant Screening and Rights Education: We advise landlords on best practices for tenant screening, ensuring that they make informed decisions while understanding the legal limitations of screening processes. Additionally, we help educate landlords about tenant rights to foster positive relationships.
  • Lease Enforcement: Our attorneys assist landlords in enforcing lease terms, addressing issues such as unauthorized subletting, damage to property, and non-compliance with community policies effectively and legally.
  • Property Manager Support: We offer tailored legal support to property managers, ensuring they operate within the law while managing tenant relations, maintenance issues, and regulatory challenges effectively.

Choose Scarinci & Hollenbeck, LLC for knowledgeable, responsive, and results-driven legal services that protect your investments and streamline property management in the New Jersey and New York City areas.

FAQ about Landlord Tenant Law

Landlord-tenant law governs the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants, ensuring a fair and legal framework for rental agreements, eviction processes, and tenant rights. Understanding these laws is crucial for effective property management and dispute resolution.

An enforceable lease agreement must be clear and comprehensive, addressing critical aspects such as rent amount, payment schedules, maintenance obligations, renewal terms, and management rules. It should also comply with state-specific regulations.

First, communicate with the tenant to discuss the issue. If the problem persists, we can assist you in initiating the legal eviction process, ensuring that all state-mandated notices are properly served and that every step complies with the law.

Yes, you can evict a tenant for non-payment of rent, but you must follow a legal process that includes providing the appropriate notice and potentially filing an eviction lawsuit. Our attorneys will guide you through this process to ensure compliance with New Jersey and New York City laws.

Landlords are responsible for maintaining safe and habitable living conditions, which includes addressing health and safety violations, completing necessary repairs in a timely manner, and adhering to local building codes.

The duration of the eviction process can vary significantly, but generally, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the circumstances and whether the tenant contests the eviction. Consultation with an attorney can help streamline the process.

In New Jersey, security deposits are typically limited to one and a half months’ rent, while New York City has its guidelines. Landlords must also abide by regulations regarding the holding and return of security deposits after the tenancy ends.

If a tenant violates the lease, landlords can issue a written notice of the violation, and depending on the severity, may be able to pursue eviction or other legal remedies. Accurate documentation and prompt legal counsel are essential.

Engaging with an experienced attorney from [Your Firm Name] can help you navigate the intricacies of local housing laws, ensuring your practices align with current regulations while protecting your rights as a landlord.

It’s wise to consult an attorney when you encounter potential legal disputes, face tenant evictions, seek advice on lease agreements, or require clarification on compliance matters. Early intervention can prevent costly legal issues down the line.

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* The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.

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